Amazing to see such fantastic results from Kool Glow across the board and used for horses at the top of their game!
Melanie Fedrick with her team of top vaulting horses knows how important it is to give her horses a balanced feed supplement containing pre and probiotics with the added vitamins and minerals while in competition work. Melanie has found Kool Glow to play an important role in competition life for her horses and has made this part of their daily feeding regime. From the Kool Glow team, thank you for supporting the product and the best of luck for the year with your fabulous horses!
"We started feeding Kool Glow to one of our young vaulting horses to improve her coat colour after recommendations from a friend who competes with show hacks. Bonnie thrived and the difference in her appearance was amazing. We also had a young mare with QLD Itch and feeding Kool Glow has made the management of this condition simpler. Then we started our competitive vaulting horses on it as well and we are pleased with the results. The vaulting horses we compete and train are all Percheron crossbred and don’t need a lot of feed to hold their condition, but it can be hard to find a feed that contains the necessary vitamins and minerals to support them while in full training. Fassifern Vaulting have enjoyed great success over the past few years with our vaulters and horses. in 2016 Kamilaroi Cavalier was awarded the National Squad Horse at the National Championships held in Adelaide and Edelweiss Pierre has just been awarded the QLD State Vaulting Horse of the Year. During the competition season they are worked 4-5 times a week, both under saddle and for vaulting and compete throughout SE Qld and interstate at State and National Championships. In 2017 we have CVI (International Level) events in Sydney in April and September, as well as a competition in Scone in May. We would recommend Kool Glow as an important part of our feeding regime."~ Melanie Fedrick